Overview of Web Security Policies
Filed under: Development, Security, Testing
A vulnerability was just identified in your website. How would you know? The process of vulnerability disclosure to an organization is often very difficult to identify. Whether you are offering any type of bounty for security bugs or not, it is important that there is a clear path for someone to notify you of a potential ...
Intro to npm-audit
Our applications rely more and more on external packages to enable quick deployment and ease of development. While these packages help reduce the code we have to write ourselves, it still may present risk to our application. If you are building Nodejs applications, you are probably using npm to manage your packages. For those ...
XSS in Script Tag
Filed under: Development, Security, Testing
Cross-site scripting is a pretty common vulnerability, even with many of the new advances in UI frameworks. One of the first things we mention when discussing the vulnerability is to understand the context. Is it HTML, Attribute, JavaScript, etc.? This understanding helps us better understand the types of characters that can be used to expose ...