ViewState: Encrypted or Encoded?
Filed under: Security
One of the many ways to maintain state within an ASP.Net application is to use the ViewState. ViewState is sent to the client embedded in the HTML response. The ViewState can be found by viewing the page source and looking for the hidden __VIEWSTATE tag (seen below). <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUJNzgzNDMwNTMzDxYCHglGaXJzdE5hbWUFBUphbWVzZGTh6rDFbP6RwQU6igzX8 vn5IrEPyQ==" /> Looking at the ViewState above ...
IE8 Not Saving Login Credentials
Filed under: Uncategorized
IE has always been able to save and automatically log in to sites requiring your domain credentials. In previous versions of Internet Explorer, you would set the site as a Trusted site in Tools…Options…Security by clicking the Trusted Sites icon and adding the url to the sites list. Once entering your credentials and checking the ...