Enhancing the UI with Greasemonkey
Filed under: Development
Have you ever used a web application and wished that it would act a little differently to make your day easier? I recently ran into this with an external application. There were sever sets of data (tables and list boxes) that would be much more useful if they were sortable. Unfortunately, since ...
SDL Regex Fuzzer
Filed under: Development, Security
Updated 11/2/2010 Microsoft has released a new "Free" tool called the SDL Regex Fuzzer. You can download the tool from Microsoft's Download Center here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=8737519c-52d3-4291-9034-caa71855451f. The Regex Fuzzer is used to test regular expressions to see if they are vulnerable to Denial of Service Attacks (ReDoS). A Regular expression denial of ...
Firesheep: A Repudiation Issue
Filed under: Security
I recently posted on some of the hype surrounding the new Firesheep FireFox extension. Today, ComputerWorld (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9194159/Is_it_legal_to_use_Firesheep_at_Starbucks_) had an article discussing the legal issues around the use of the tool. I believe the legal aspect is important, but could be very difficult to prove. I am more interested in the implications ...