Securing the Forms Authentication Cookie with Secure Flag

March 25, 2024 by · Comments Off on Securing the Forms Authentication Cookie with Secure Flag
Filed under: Development, Security 

One of the recommendations for securing cookies within a web application is to apply the Secure attribute. Typically, this is only a browser directive to direct the browser to only include the cookie with a request if it is over HTTPS. This helps prevent the cookie from being sent over an insecure connection, like HTTP. There is a special circumstance around the Microsoft .Net Forms Authentication cookie that I want to cover as it can become a difficult challenge.

The recommended way to set the secure flag on the forms authentication cookie is to set the requireSSL attribute in the web.config as shown below:

<authentication mode="Forms">
 <forms name="Test.web" defaultUrl="~/Default" loginUrl="~/Login" path="/" requireSSL="true" protection="All" timeout="20" slidingExpiration="true"/>

In the above code, you can see that requireSSL is set to true.

In your login code, you would have code similar to this once the user is properly validated:

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false);

In this case, the application will automatically set the secure attribute.

Simple, right? In most cases this is very straight forward. Sometimes, it isn’t.

Removing HTTPS on Internal Networks

There are many occasions where the application may remove HTTPS on the internal network. This is commonly seen, or used to be commonly seen, when the application is behind a load balancer. The end user would connect using HTTPS over the internet to the load balancer and then the load balancer would connect to the application server over HTTP. One common reason for this was easier inspection of internal network traffic for monitoring by the organization.

Why Does This Matter? Isn’t the Secure Attribute of a Cookie Browser Only?

There was an interesting decision made by Microsoft when they created .Net Forms Authentication. A decision was made to verify that the connection to the application server is secure if the requireSSL attribute is set on the authentication cookie (specified above in the web.config example), when the cookie is set using FormsAuthentication.SetCookie(). This is the only cookie that the code checks to verify it is on a secure connection.

This means that if you set requireSSL in the web.config for the forms authentication cookie and the request to the server is over HTTP, .Net will throw an exception.

This code can be seen in in the ExtractTicketFromCookie method:

The obvious solution is to enable HTTPS on the traffic all the way to the application server. But sometimes as developers, we don’t have that control.

What Can We Do?

There are two options I want to discus. This first one actually doesn’t provide a complete solution, even though it seems like it would.


At first glance, FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie might seem like a good option. Instead of using SetAuthCookie, which we know will break the application in this case, one might try to call GetAuthCookie and just manage the cookie themselves. Here is what that might look like, once the user is validated.

var cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(userName, false);
cookie.Secure = true;

Rather than call SetAuthCookie, here we are trying to just get a new AuthCookie and we can set the secure flag and then add it to the cookies collection manually. This is similar to what the SetAuthCookie method does, with the exception that it is not setting the secure flag based on the web.config setting. That is the key difference here.

Keep in mind that GetAuthCookie returns a new auth ticket each time it is called. It does not return the ticket or cookie that was created if you previously called SetAuthCookie.

So why doesn’t this work completely?

Upon initial testing, this method appears to work. If you run the application and log in, you will see that the cookie does have the secure flag set. This is just like our initial response at the beginning of this article. The issue here comes with SlidingExpiration. If you remember, in our web.config, we had SlidingExpiration set to true (the default is true, so it was set in the config just for visual aide).

<authentication mode="Forms">
 <forms name="Test.web" defaultUrl="~/Default" loginUrl="~/Login" path="/" requireSSL="true" protection="All" timeout="20" slidingExpiration="true"/>

Sliding expiration means that once the ticket is reached over 1/2 of its age and is submitted with a request, it will auto renew. This allows a user that is active to not have to re-authentication after the timeout. This re-authentication occurs again in in the OnAuthenticate method.

We can see in the above code that the secure flag is again being set by the FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL web.config setting. So even though we jumped through some hoops to set it manually during the initial authentication, every ticket renewal will reset it back to the config setting.

In our web.config we had a timeout set to 20 minutes. So requesting a page after 12 minutes will result in the application setting a new FormsAuth cookie without the Secure attribute.

This option would most likely get scanners and initial testers to believe the problem was remediated. However, after a potentially short period of time (depending on your timeout setting), the cookie becomes insecure again. I don’t recommend trying to set the secure flag in this manner.

Option 2 – Global.asax

Another option is to use the Global.asax Application_EndRequest event to set the cookie to secure. With this configuration, the web.config would not set requireSSL to true and the authentication would just use the FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() method. Then, in the Global.asax file we could have something similar to the following code.

protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if(Response.Cookies.Count > 0)
        for(int i = 0; i < Response.Cookies.Count; i++)
            //Response.Cookies[i].Secure = true;

The above code will loop through all the cookies setting the secure flag on them on every request. It is possible to go one step further and check the cookie name to see if it matches the forms authentication cookie before setting the secure flag, but hopefully your site runs on HTTPS so there should be no harm in all cookies having the secure flag set.

There have been debate on how well this method works based on when the EndRequest event will fire and if it fires for all requests or not. In my local testing, this method appears to work and the secure flag is set properly. However, that was local testing with minimal traffic. I cannot verify the effectiveness on a site with heavy loads or load balancing or other configurations. I recommend testing this out thoroughly before using it.


For something that should be so simple, this situation can be a headache for developers that don’t have any control over the connection to their application. In the end, the ideal situation would be to enable HTTPS to the application server so the requireSSL flag can be set in the web.config. If that is not possible, then there are some workarounds that will hopefully work. Make sure you are doing the appropriate testing to verify the workaround works 100% of the time and not just once or twice. Otherwise, you may just be checking a box to show an example of it being marked secure, when it is not in all cases.