Open Redirect – Bad Implementation

Posted by on January 14, 2016

I was recently looking through some code and happen to stumble across some logic that is attempting to prohibit the application from redirecting to an external site. While this sounds like a pretty simple task, it is common to see it incorrectly implemented. Lets look at the check that is being performed.

	string url = Request.QueryString["returnUrl"];

	if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) || !url.StartsWith("/"))

The first thing I noticed was the line that checks to see if the url starts with a “/” characters. This is a common mistake when developers try to stop open redirection. The assumption is that to redirect to an external site one would need the protocol. For example, By forcing the url to start with the “/” character it is impossible to get the “http:” in there. Unfortunately, it is also possible to use // as the url and it will also be interpreted as an absolute url. In the example above, by passing in returnUrl=// the code will see the starting “/” character and allow the redirect. The browser would interpret the “//” as absolute and navigate to

After putting a quick test case together, I quickly proved out the point and was successful in bypassing this logic to enable a redirect to external sites.

Checking for Absolute or Relative Paths

ASP.Net has build in procedures for determining if a path is relative or absolute. The following code shows one way of doing this.

	string url = Request.QueryString["returnUrl"];
	Uri result;
    bool isAbsolute = false;

    isAbsolute = Uri.TryCreate(returnUrl, UriKind.Absolute, out result);

    if (!isAbsolute)

In the above example, if the URL is absolute (starts with a protocol, http/https, or starts with “//”) it will just redirect to the default page. If the url is not absolute, but relative, it will redirect to the url passed in.

While doing some research I came across a recommendation to use the following:

	if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(returnUrl,UriKind.Relative))

When using the above logic, it flagged // as a relative path which would not be what we are looking for. The previous logic correctly identified this as an absolute url. There may be other methods of doing this and MVC provides some other functions as well that we will cover in a different post.


Make sure that you have a solid understanding of the problem and the different ways it works. It is easy to overlook some of these different techniques. There is a lot to learn, and we should be learning every day.


One Comment on Open Redirect – Bad Implementation

  1. Gokhan Demir on Sat, 16th Jan 2016 2:56 pm
  2. How about using Request.IsUrlLocalToHost method? Sample usage can be found here: