Potentially Dangerous Request.Path Value was Detected…
I have discussed request validation many times when we see the potentially dangerous input error message when viewing a web page. Another interesting protection in ASP.Net is the built-in, on by default, Request.Path validation that occurs. Have you ever seen the error below when using or testing your application?
The screen above occurred because I placed the (*) character in the URL. In ASP.Net, there is a default set of defined illegal characters in the URL. This list is defined by RequestPathInvalidCharacters and can be configured in the web.config file. By default, the following characters are blocked:
- <
- >
- *
- %
- &
- :
- \\
It is important to note that these characters are blocked from being included in the URL, this does not include the protocol specification or the query string. That should be obvious since the query string uses the & character to separate parameters.
There are not many cases where your URL needs to use any of these default characters, but if there is a need to allow a specific character, you can override the default list. The override is done in the web.config file. The below snippet shows setting the new values (removing the < and > characters:
<httpruntime requestPathInvalidCharacters="*,%,&,:,\\"/>
Be aware that due the the web.config file being an xml file, you need to escape the < and > characters and set them as < and > respectively.
Remember that modifying the default security settings can expose your application to a greater security risk. Make sure you understand the risk of making these modifications before you perform them. It should be a rare occurrence to require a change to this default list. Understanding the platform is critical to understanding what is and is not being protected by default.