DropBox Job Description – A Step in the Right Direction

Posted by on February 17, 2011

I recently logged into my DropBox account and noticed that the landing screen had a notice about current job openings.  I thought I would take a look at what they had available.  I clicked on the Web Engineer position (http://www.dropbox.com/position?jvi=orflVfwG,Job) and was impressed to see one of their requirements: “You’ve seen CSRF and XSS in action and know how to prevent it from happening.”  Now I look at a lot of job openings and it is rare to see this type of security topic included in them.  I am confused at why they did not also mention SQL Injection, as it is the worst of the worst, but this is a step in the right direction.  This is the type of requirements we need to start seeing on job requests to help join the cultures of development and security.


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